


But at home; a different story is told. How we tread our loved ones, young and old. Later; in the kitchen; as I cooked our meal; my daughter crept up to me; very still. When I turned; I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I barked with a frown. She sauntered away,with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how harshly I’d spoken.

That night,as I lay awake in bed,God’s quiet voice spoke to me and said,“While dealing with a stranger; you’re calm and polite,but with those you love,you’re quick to excite。。。 Go look right now on the kitchen floor; you’ll find some flowers there bythe door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself—pink; yellow; and blue. She stood there quietly; not to spoil your surprise; and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”

By this time; I felt sad and small and now my own tears had begun to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed; “Wake up,sweetheart; wake up;” I said. “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled;“I found’em; out by the tree. I wrapped’em in a napkin; just for you. I knew you’d like’em. Especially the blue.” I said; “I’m so sorry that I missed them today。。。 And I shouldn’t have fussed at you that way.”

And she whispered; “Mommy; that’s okay。。。 I still love you any way.” I hugged her and said. “I love you too。。。 And I love my flowers;  especially the blue.”

Are you aware that:If you die tomorrow;  the pany that you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days。 But the family you leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives。 And e to think of it; we pour ourselves more into our work than into our families—an unwise investment indeed。

。 想看书来









Altogether Autumn


Suddenly I think of my youngest daughter; living now in Amsterdam。 Very soon she will call and ask; “Have you planted the bulbs yet?” Then I will answer teasingly that actually I’m waiting until she es to help me。 And then we will both be overe by nostalgia1; because once we always did that together。 One entire sunny autumn afternoon; when she was just over three and a half years old; she helped me with all the enthusiasm and joyfulness of her age。

It was one of the last afteruoons I had her around because her place in school had already been reserved。 She wandered around so happily carefree2 with her little bucket and spade; covering the bulbs with earth and calling out“Night night” or “Sleep tight”; her little voice chattering constantly on。 She discovered “baby bulbs”and” kiddie bulbs” and “mummy and daddy bulbs”—the latter snuggling3 cozily4 together。 While we were both working so industriously; I watched my child very deliberately。 She was such a tiny thing; between an infant and a toddler; with such a round little tummy。 。 想看书来


Every autumn; throughout her childhood; we repeated the ritual of planting the bulbs together。 And every autumn I saw her changing; the toddler became a schoolgirl; a straightforward realist; full of drive。 Never once dreamy; her hands in her pockets; no longer happily indulging her fantasies5。 The school girl developedlong legs; her jawine changed; she had her hair cut。 It was autumn again and I thought “Bye roses; bye butterflies;bye schoolgirl。” I listened to her stories while we painstakingly burrowed in the earth; planting the promise of spring。

Suddenly; much quicker than I had expected; a tall teenager was standing by my side: she had grown taller than I。 The ritual became rather silent; we no longer chattered away from one subject to another。 I thought about her room full of posters and knick…knacks; how it had been full of treasures in bottles and boxes; white pebbles; a copper brooch; colored drawings; the treasures of a child who still knew nothing of money; who wanted to be read aloud to and who looked anxiously at a spider6 in herroom and asked; “Would he want to be my friend?”

Then came the autumn when I planted the bulbs alone; and knew that from then on it would always be that way。 But every year; in autumn; she talks about it。 Full of nostalgia for the security of childhood; the seclusion of a garden; the final moments of a season。 How both of us would dearly love to have a time machine。 To go back。 Just for a day。






营销:美国故事+中国启示  景氏千秋  作秀女人  80后职场新鲜人生存手册  把脉证券市场:股市的逻辑  全新思维  神的密码  奥特:只想守护你  王者风流之天下无双  禁区称雄  封灵禁怪小组  我开局抽中绝世霸体  死亡区域  网游之封神游戏  古女尸的诅咒  头狼的宠爱  幸福向钱走  网游之畅游  校园怪谈之惊魂考场  最强文圣  


















