RALPH HARRIS: Well; what happened in 1947 was that Hayek at last brought off a great dream; which was to assemble 36; mostly economists; some historians; and a few journalists; a handful of what he regarded as survivors; good eggs; good intellectuals; who understood the market economy and the whole of the case。
RALPH HARRIS:1947年哈耶克终于完成了这个伟大的梦想,与会者有36个人-主要是经济学家,还有一些历史学家和新闻记者,一群他认为是幸存者、趣味相投的人、好知识分子,他们理解市场经济,明白整个情形。
MILTON FRIEDMAN; Professor Emeritus; University of Chicago: This was Hayeks belief and the belief of other people who joined him there; that freedom was in serious danger。
弗里德曼(MILTON FRIEDMAN),芝加哥大学名誉退休教授:这是哈耶克的信仰,也是加入他团体的那些人的信仰-自由正处于极度危险之中。
NARRATOR: One of the delegates was a young economist from Chicago; Milton Friedman。
旁白:其中一位代表是来自芝加哥的年轻经济学家-Milton Friedman。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: The point of the meeting was very clear。 Hayek and others felt that the world was turning toward planning and that somehow we had to develop an intellectual current that would offset that movement。
NARRATOR: They met downstairs in the cocktail bar。 The room and its furniture are not much changed。
RALPH HARRIS: The whole world was shadowed by the Iron Curtain; the Russian threat; by the failure to establish democracies in the Eastern European countries and by the prevalence everywhere intellectually of these ideas of collectivism arising from the war。 The argument always was that democracy is impossible without a free economy。 You need a free economy; free economy is a necessary though not a sufficient condition for democracy。
RALPH HARRIS:整个世界都笼罩在铁幕的阴影之下,还有俄国的威胁、在东欧国家建立民主政府的失败以及战时出现的集体主义思想的流行。争论总是围绕没有自由经济是否也可能有民主政府而展开。你需要自由经济;自由经济是民主的必要而非充分条件。
NARRATOR: The debates were passionate。 At one point; Hayeks former mentor; Ludwig von Mises; stormed out of a meeting。
旁白:人们充满热情地展开辩论。有一次,哈耶克以前的导师-Ludwig von Mises-怒气冲冲地离开了会场。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: In the middle of a debate on the subject of distribution of ine; in which you had people who you would hardly call socialist or egalitarian; people like myself; Mises got up and said; ";Youre all a bunch of socialists;"; and walked right out of the room。 (laughs)
NARRATOR: But Hayek told the meeting that they had one great lesson to learn from the socialists。
RALPH HARRIS: Hayek paid enormous tribute to the socialist intellectuals and said that the great strength of the socialists is that they had the courage; he said; to be idealistic; to have a theory; to have a project; to have a vision; and to go on working towards that; through thick and thin。
RALPH HARRIS:哈耶克极力赞扬信仰社会主义的知识分子,说他们最大的力量在于他们有勇气去空想;然后不畏艰险地朝着这个理论、计划和幻想努力。
NARRATOR: As the meeting came to an end; Hayek predicted a long fight; a battle of ideas that might last 20 years or more; before the world changed its mind。 In the meantime; Hayek could see only one gleam of light。
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Chapter 9: Germanys Bold Move '4:11'
Onscreen title: Berlin; 1947
NARRATOR: The war left Germany in ruins。 Its economy had disintegrated。 Markets had broken down。 Shops were empty。 Already the Russians occupied East Germany and were waiting for the rest to fall into their lap。 In the American and British occupation zones; raging hyperinflation had made the German currency worthless。
In the winter of 1948; the Allies appointed as director of economic affairs a rotund; cigar…chomping economist named Ludwig Erhard。 A staunch anti…Nazi; Erhard was a free…market economist who shared many of Hayeks beliefs and ideas。 He also believed the Allies economic rules were making a bad situation worse。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: The occupying authorities had imposed a system under which there were extensive wage and price controls; supposedly to control inflation; but of course wage and price controls never control inflation。 And you had essentially an economy that was brought to a halt。
ALFRED BOSCH; Economist and Friend of Hayek: In this situation the black markets formed; and American cigarettes were its form of currency。
ALFRED BOSCH,经济学家,哈耶克的朋友:在这种情况下,黑市产生了,美国香烟成了通货。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: Nobody smoked cigarettes。 They were for small transactions。 Cognac was a medium of circulation for large transactions。
NARRATOR: The Allies introduced a new currency; the Deutsche Mark; to replace the worthless German money。 But for Erhard; that was not enough。 So without informing the Allies; Erhard went on the radio and made a startling announcement。
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