


I began to cry from the pain in my foot; but I refused to let Miss Bell take off my shoe。 I could not bear for her and the others to see the hole in my faded red sock。  “e on; then。  Let’s go inside to the office。”

A trail of first graders followed after us until Miss Bell told them to stay on the playground。  I did my best to curb my tears。  Yet; each time the thing in my shoe stung me;  I would let out a loud; “Oh; oh; oh!” Tears raced down my contorted3 face。

Mr。  Stewart; the principal; rushed into his office。

“What’s wrong?” he asked。

“Something is stinging her right foot; but she will not let me take off her shoe。  ”said Miss Bell。

Mr。  Stewart lifted me onto his desk。 “Let me take a look。” He just about had the shoe off when I saw the hole。  I grabbed the shoe and pulled it on and held it。  The stinging worsened the tighter I clasped4 the shoe。

“Why won’t you let us take off your shoe?” Mr。  Stewart asked as he looked from me to Miss BelI and back at me in puzzlement。 。。


Miss Womble; the fifth—grade teacher; came into the office。  “Can I help? I know her;she lives next door to me。 ”

“I suspect ants are in her shoes and stinging the living daylights out of her; but she won’t let us take off her shoes。” related Miss Bell。

Miss Womble was a great neighbor。  She had even played Annie—over with us on occasion。  She put both hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my distressed;  red eyes。

“Oh; yes;” she said; as if remembering a fact。“I had a bite from one of those ants。 Did you know they are sock eaters? By the time I got my shoe off; that ant had eaten almost the entire bottom off my sock。” She nodded her head up and down as she looked at the other two adults。 “Must be sock…eater ants。”

They returned the nod; as if they; too; had been bitten by sock…eating ants。

“Let me see here。” She freed my heel from the shoe。 “Just what I thought。 Those  sock ants have eaten part of her sock。”

Miss Bell opened the medicine cabinet; got a cotton ball; and saturated it with alcohol。  Miss Womble slipped off my shoe and sock and shook both of them over the gray trash bucket。  Two red ants fell into the waiting container。  A stray one ran for the wall;  but Mr。  Stewart’s shoe stopped him。

My swollen foot throbbed5。  My stomach hurt。  My head ached。

Stroking the alcohol ball across the angry bites; Miss Womble lifted her head and smiled at me。  “I think she’s going to be okay now;” she said; as she glanced toward the two adults。

The bell rang; ending the recess period。  “It’s class time。” Mr。 Stewart remarked;   as he and Miss Belt hurried to their duties。

The alcohol felt cool on the savage welts。

“You were a pretty brave girl to take that many bites。  I think you should leave this shoe and sock off for a while。” She helped me off the desk。“Wait for me after school; and we’ll walk home together。”

Pride can be a wonderful; terrible thing。  I knew that Miss Womble had saved my pride with her sock…eating ant story。  She had seen that I would rather be stung to death than to let others see my poverty。  This kind; insightful teacher had taught me a lesson of passion that I have tried to apply in my thirty…seven years of teaching。








The Silent Love


That bright springtime; when they loved each other; she had scattered without him knowing it the branch full of bitter white of a cherry tree in bloom and a delicate petal had slipped; like randomly; in the envelope with the love letter。 The petal had faded away before reaching the end of the long way; leaving behind it only a little spring perfume that made him smile like one does to a mild memory。 And he didn’t know that she had been。

Next summer; when; for missing him too much; she had gotcloser without him knowing it。 She was hiding only to send to him the call of love in that shell she had so long warmed up in her hands before making it roll over; down to his feet。 The hesitating steps leaving melancholic traces on the sand had stopped near the pearly shell; brighter and so much different from all the others; and smiling; he had picked it up and thrown it in the sea watching long after it; as after a tender thought。 And he didn’t know that she had been。

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