旁白:但是Fox选择了一位左翼的领袖做他的外交部长——他过去的朋友Fidel Castro,一位全球资本主义的批评家。
JORGE CASTANEDA: The lefts main issue since the middle of the 19th century has been inequality that acpanies capitalism。 There is probably more inequality pressing against society today than before within rich countries; within poor countries; and between rich countries and poor countries。 So on this score; for example; the left has more of a cause; more of a raison detre; than perhaps in any time recently。
JORGE CASTANEDA:自从19世纪中叶以来,左派的主要任务就是反对伴随资本主义而产生的不平等现象。在富裕国家之间、贫困国家之间、以及贫富国家之间,社会也许比以前存在着更多的不平等。因此从这方面来说,左翼近期有更多的动机和政治理由。
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Chapter 22: The Battle Resumed '6:38'
第二十二章: 战斗继续
Onscreen caption: Quebec City; Canada
字幕标题:魁北克市; 加拿大
NARRATOR: Presidents Fox and Bush were set to meet again in Quebec City at a summit for 34 democratically elected presidents from North and South America。 Anti…globalization activists made the summit their next target。
ACTIVIST: No matter what anybody says; theres going to be some kind of property destruction。
ACTIVIST: So far the way the debate has been played out is violence; nonviolence。 But for me thats not the issue。 Our goal is to disrupt the summit as best we can with the largest possible mobilization on the 20th and 21st。
Onscreen caption: Summit of the Americas; April 2001
NARRATOR: The summits agenda was to be trade; poverty; and the new rules of the game。 Organizers sealed off the city center。 As President Bush and other leaders arrived; the demonstrators tried to break through。 Inside the barricades; Mexicos foreign minister was now a part of the system hed once criticized。
JORGE CASTANEDA: They never mention the Americans。 They said; ";We need leeway to show that we can get results;"; and thats true。
JORGE CASTANEDA:他们从来不提及美国人。他们说,“我们需要努力显示我们能达成一致”,那是对的。
This is my first big summit as foreign minister; and its fun。 Everybodys here。
INTERVIEWER: If you were 25 today; where would you be?
JORGE CASTANEDA: On the streets。 I would think thats certainly a hell of a lot more fun。
JORGE CASTANEDA:站在街上,我想那将是一次很愉快的狂欢。
NARRATOR: Like Jorge Castaneda; most of the delegates were from developing countries that had embraced globalization。 Casteneda wanted more trade。 He also hoped to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor of the developing world。
旁白:同Jorge Castaneda一样,大多数的代表来自于发展中国家,他们欢迎全球化。Castaneda想要更多的贸易。他同时希望缩小富裕国家和贫穷的发展中国家之间的差距。
JORGE CASTANEDA: The issue thats been ing up constantly in the speeches is that the small countries; the poorer sectors of each society need a special deal; that they cannot just be left out; because if they are; theyll never be brought in。 There is; I would say; a growing consensus on that; but there isnt necessarily a consensus on what to do。
JORGE CASTANEDA:在发言中常常提到的是小国和社会的贫困人群需要特殊的分配,我们不能遗弃他们,因为如果他们被遗弃,他们将永远无法加入主流社会中来。我应当承认,越来越多的人同意这个观点,但人们对如何去做没有一致的意见。
GEORGE W。 BUSH: Im here to learn and to listen from voices; to those inside
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